Code 201 Reading Notes

The web site hold my reading notes in code 201.

Code 201 Reading Notes


*Introduction about an Auther *

My name is Rahaf Al-Bakkar I’m a computer engineer Now a trainee at ASAC. I Excited to learn programming languages,I would like to get a great job in this field.

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My initial website

contents :

Topic page
Growth Mindset Click here
Markdown languge Click Here
Git Click Here
Html Click here
Js Click here
Operators AND Loops Click here
CSS Click here
Functions Click here
#of topic Topic page  
1 class-01 Click here  
2 class-02 Click here    
3 class-03 Click here  
4 class-04 click here  
5 class-05 click here  
6 class-06 click here  
7 class-07 click here  
8 class-8 click here  
9 class-09 click here  
10 clas-10 click here  
11 class-11 click here  
12 class-12 click here  
13 class-13 click here  
14 class-14 click here  
    class-14B click here
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